Advisory Board

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Tom Golden is well known for his first book  Swallowed by a Snake: The Gift of the Masculine Side of Healing which opened the conversation about men, grief, and emotions.  It was acclaimed by Kubler-Ross, Hope Edelman, Robert Bly and others.  Tom has also written The Way Men Heal and recently a book for moms Helping Mothers be Closer to Their Sons: Understanding the Unique World of Boys. He enjoys giving workshops in the U.S., Canada, Europe and Australia. Tom focuses on helping to bring understanding to both mental health professionals and the public about the uniqueness of men and boys and how these unrecognized differences can sometimes create hardships for males.  His work and his web site have been featured in the NY Times, Washington Post, as well as on CNN, CBS Evening News, ESPN and the NFL Channel. He served as the Vice Chair of the Maryland Commission for Men’s Health and maintains a private practice in Gaithersburg Md. Find his men’s issues work at