Overcoming the Challenges of Single Fatherhood

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Parenting as a single dad comes with its own fair set of challenges. Over and above caring for your child single-handedly, there may be a host of other concerns weighing you down physically, mentally, and emotionally. If that’s you, and you’re just barely surviving and looking for support in your parenting journey, here are some tips to help navigate you through the challenging times.

Taking on additional work 

Perhaps, it’s your finances or the lack thereof that’s got you feeling really concerned. If this is the case, there are plenty of ways to take on additional work and earn extra income while you’re busy finding your feet. Nowadays, it’s commonly referred to as a side hustle. And your options are plenty! Whether it’s taking on work as a virtual assistant or as a repair and maintenance technician or even a tutor or a pet sitter, you’re bound to find something that’ll strike the right chord with you. Who knows, it could even end up turning into a newfound passion and a full-time job eventually.

Prioritize your responsibilities

If you want to keep on top of things as a single parent, prioritization is key to getting there. Maybe you need to relook at your current obligations and do some reshuffling to better accommodate your new parenting schedule.

Sharing the load with others

If you’re a single full-time dad or even if you have the kids on every other occasion, you’ll know that the weight of responsibility is real. It can sometimes even verge on the point of being overwhelming, especially if you’re faced with challenges you feel you just aren’t equipped to handle. This is where enlisting the help of friends and family becomes ultra important. Even if it’s just for advice concerning housework or healthy dinner preparations, or how to handle rebellious teenagers at that!

Self-care and self-love

Yes, you heard right. Finding the time for self-care and, furthermore, self-love can sound like a strange concept to fathers in general, let alone single fathers with lots on their plate. Yet, self-care is a vital component to feeling healthy and happy again. Whether it’s some downtime out with the boys or enjoying a round or two on the golf course, it’s about doing those things that make you happy – even if just for a day. You’re bound to become an even better version of yourself, and a better father, when you realize that your wants and needs are just as important as everyone else’s.

Set boundaries and routines

Often, when you’re parenting on your own, it’s easy to feel like you’re not in control. Or that you’re not as on top of everything as you used to be. This is where setting routine becomes vitally essential at establishing a sense of normality. Furthermore, your kids are sure to feel more settled with structure and routine in place. In fact, according to research, kids thrive where there is routine. Additionally, establishing boundaries and instilling discipline will be a vital part of your single fatherhood journey too. But don’t forget to provide them with the positive reassurance they need, knowing they can count on you when they fail.

In conclusion, single parenting is going to take some getting used to. For some fathers, this may come more easily than others, while others may find it a process to get through. Nonetheless, all parents should take comfort in the fact that there is help and support available for those who need it. So, if you’re a single dad, don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help once in a while because we ALL need a helping hand sometimes.

About the Author

Daniel Sherwin considers raising his 9 year old daughter and 6 year old son both an adventure and a blessing. He created Dadsolo.com to provide other single dads/parents with information and resources to help them better equip themselves on the journey to parenthood.

Image via Pexels