Advisory Board




Anne P. Mitchell is a nationally recognized fathers’ rights attorney and spokesperson. One of the first fathers’ rights lawyers in the United States, and with more than 30 years experience in fathers’ and children’s rights, Anne has been invited to speak and consult about fathers’ rights issues with judges, state legislators, social workers, and family court workers. Her website is one of the top fathers’ rights sites on the Internet, and more than 12,000 fathers have benefitted from the material and advice in her book, “They’re Your Kids Too: The Single Father’s Guide to Defending Your Fatherhood in a Broken Family Law System”. Mitchell, a graduate of Stanford Law School, was involved in fathers’ rights even before going to law school, and upon being admitted to the bar opened a private fathers’ rights law practice in which she represented fathers only, advocating for their relationship with their children. At the same time, she became an oft-invited guest on the speaking and lecture circuit, including being asked by California Governor Pete Wilson to speak at his “Focus on Father’s” Summit, and being invited to speak on fathers’ rights at the “Beyond the Bench” judicial education conference.  She is also a retired professor of family law and taught family law at Lincoln Law School in San Jose for several years. No longer in private practice, Mitchell maintains both the website and the Fathers’ Rights Facebook group, where the public can find information and resources regarding fathers and family law.