10 Habits Couples Therapists Say Always End a Marriage

By Red Book Mag on 09/27/2017

“… Money’s just money, right? Not so much after you’re married. While seeing eye-to-eye on financial issues might not seem like a huge deal before you tie the knot, the way you handle them after can be detrimental to your relationship. “Financial complications are legendary as the basis of fights between couples,” says Susan Winter, a New York City-based relationship expert and dating coach. “No matter how great the sex and home life, extreme differences in financial goals and spending versus saving habits can erode even the healthiest of relationships.” To make sure money doesn’t become the reason for your divorce, Winter says couples need to strive to strike a balance between enjoying their day-to-day life together and also preserving their assets to have a comfortable future. “A failure to come to common ground on issues of finance can create a total relationship collapse,” she says. …”

Read the entire article: http://www.redbookmag.com/love-sex/relationships/features/g3279/causes-of-divorce/