News Articles - Paternity Fraud
Mum Jailed For Lying On Child’s Birth Certificate To Get Back At Her Ex
By Andy Christensen – The Nation Roar 09/19/19 “… Louise Boyce pretended her new boyfriend was her baby’s father as a substitute of the organic father, her former lover, Ashley Sayce. A court docket heard how the 30-year-old ‘acted out of spite’ by purposely leaving Sayce off the start certificates after the pair went via
Family secrets, DNA, and finding dad – twice
By Kevin Reece – WFAA 08/05/2019 “… As home DNA test kits inadvertently uncover deeply-hidden family secrets, some of these journeys do lead to unexpected reunions and happy endings. …” Read the entire article:
Nigeria: No Data Shows 30% of Nigerian Men ‘Not Biological Fathers of Their Children’
By All Africa 07/09/19 “‘Paternity fraud: Three out of 10 Nigerian men are not biological fathers of their children,’ said the headline of the May 2019 story in the Vanguard.” Read the entire article:
Bahati confesses to conducting DNA test on his daughter
By Nairobi News on 12/14/2018 “… Just weeks after his wife Diana Marua gave birth to their daughter, Heaven, reports emerged that Bahati secretly carried out a DNA test on the baby without his wife’s knowledge. …” Read the entire article:
Florida Father Loses Fight For Paternity Rights
By CBS on 10/12/2018 “… Florida law states that a child born into a marriage belongs to that marriage. Karpinski’s son was born when his mother was married to another man. The child is now 4 years old and under that law, the mother’s husband has the paternal rights of that child. …” Read the entire article: