News Articles - Child Support
Republicans launch bill that would require fathers to pay child support to unborn babies: Senator says legislation would make it possible for mother to get back pay from as early as conception
By Daily Mail, 07/18/2022 “…Under the bill, mothers would be able to request child support from the moment of conception and would even be able to collect the payments retroactively if paternity was not established until birth…” Read the entire article:
Using Procedural Justice to Reform Driver’s License Suspension in Minnesota
By ACF, 08/01/2022 “… Suspension is a required enforcement tool for collecting past-due child support, but current laws, policies, and practices are not effective for many noncustodial parents. In fact, it may do more harm than good…” Read the entire article:
New bill could allow mothers to receive child support before the child is born
By Vicksburg Daily News, 07/17/2022 “…U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith cosponsored the Unborn Child Support Act on Wednesday which would give pregnant women the ability receive child support payments while they are with-child…” Read the entire article:
Learning from the United States’ Painful History of Child Support
By American Progress, 06/17/2022 “… In order to create an approach to child support that truly increases children’s economic stability, the federal and state governments must move beyond this backlash…policymakers must consider the history of the child support program and how best to ensure that it helps, not harms, families…” Read the entire article:
Canadian Bar Association recommends simplified Child Support Guidelines
By Canadian Lawyer Mag, 05/10/2022 “…In a letter to Justice Canada dated April 22, 2022, the CBA’s family law section recommended a presumption that each parent pays support to the other under the table amount for their income in cases of shared parenting, with room for the parties to rebut the presumption where it would