News Articles - Child Custody
Sperm donor wins custody of child over lesbian birth mother following years-long court battle
By The Pink News, 7/31/24 “…The judge said: “The evidence unequivocally supports that [the sperm donor] has provided support and care to [the boy] since the time of his birth and will continue doing so. [The mothers] do not enjoy any superiority over any other person keenly interested in [the boy’s] welfare, namely [the sperm
D.C. is seeing more divorces and custody battles over politics
By Axios DC, 7/29/24 “…Political and ideological differences are increasingly playing a role in Washington divorces and custody battles, D.C.-area lawyers tell Axios. …” Read the entire article:
New laws going into effect Aug. 1 Minnesotans should know about
By Kare11 News, 8/1/24 “…Family law court must now consider the opportunity for a minor child to develop a relationship with each parent when determining custody and parenting time. Additionally, when deciding custody, family law courts cannot prefer one parent or the other solely based on the parent’s gender. …” Read the entire article:
Our Safe and Responsible Guide To Co-Parenting
By Cleveland Clinic, 05/01/2024 “…But at the heart of co-parenting, adults on all sides can and should work together as a team to make sure your children know they’re safe, supported, loved and cared for regardless of which household they’re in and whenever they travel from one parental unit to the other…” Read the entire
Dad captures the hard truth of joint custody after dropping daughter off with mom in poignant video
By Scoop, 07/09/2024 “…When you are a parent who is divorced or separated, the hardest part is co-parenting. Yes, you miss having a happy marriage, but at the same time, you also miss spending time with your kid…” Read the entire article: