False Accusations (Academic Resources)
Title: Psychological impact of being wrongfully accused of criminal offenses: A systematic literature review
Publication: Medicine, Science and the Law
Authors: Samantha K Brooks, Neil Greenberg
Link: https://doi.org/10.1177/0025802420949069
Summary: The systematic literature review on wrongful accusations revealed that they have significant psychological and psychosocial impacts. Wrongfully accused individuals experience a loss of identity, stigma, and strain in relationships. They also suffer from psychological and physical health issues, financial difficulties, and negative attitudes towards the justice system. Traumatic experiences in custody and challenges in readjustment were also observed. The findings emphasize the need to improve public perception of wrongful convictions and provide dedicated mental health support for those who are wrongfully accused.
Family Reunion Comment: This further proves that the court needs to check facts to ensure accusations are not false as false accusations will affect the accused and the child as well as their relationship.
Title: Risks and Realities of Working with Alienated Children
Publication: Family Court Review: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Authors: Richard A. Warshak
Link: https://doi.org/10.1111/fcre.12481
Summary: Involvement in custody cases involving accusations of parental alienation carries professional and personal risks. These risks include false identifications of parental alienation, leading to complaints and public condemnation. Working in an emerging field and dealing with children who resist repairing relationships can also result in unfounded accusations, media attacks, harassment, and threats. Colleague shunning and regulatory agency complaints are additional challenges. This article examines the factors contributing to these risks, offers precautions to mitigate false accusations, and provides recommendations for handling regulatory agencies. Criticisms should be carefully evaluated in light of case evidence and empirical data. While some interventions for alienated children have valid concerns, anecdotal complaints do not reflect the majority’s experiences.
Family Reunion Comment: Involvement in custody cases with parental alienation accusations teaches us important lessons: Professionals face risks of false accusations and should prioritize evidence-based approaches. Protecting children’s well-being is crucial, and precautions are necessary to mitigate risks. A balanced and informed approach, continuous learning, and staying updated with best practices are essential.
Title: False Allegations of Domestic Violence: A Qualitative Analysis of Ex-Partners’ Narratives
Publication: Journal of Family Violence
Authors: Hila Avieli
Link: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10896-021-00342-w
Summary: This study explored the experiences of individuals falsely accused of domestic violence in custody disputes and divorce cases. Interviews with 19 victims revealed three main themes: false allegations as ongoing intimate partner violence, the traumatic impact of false allegations, and the losses suffered as a result. The findings highlight the qualitative aspects of false allegations and their connection to coercive control in conflicted relationships. It is important for professionals to recognize false allegations as abusive tactics that cause significant pain to those involved.
Family Reunion Comment: This study reveals the serious issue of false allegations of violence and abuse in custody disputes and divorce cases. It teaches us that falsely accused individuals endure long-lasting impacts resembling ongoing intimate partner violence. They may be connected to coercive control in conflicted relationships.
Title: Malicious Reports of Child Maltreatment as Coercive Control: Mothers and Domestic and Family Violence
Publication: Journal of Family Violence
Authors: Heather Douglas & Emma Fell
Link: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10896-019-00128-1
Summary: This article explores how abusive partners or ex-partners use false reports of child maltreatment to control their victims in the context of domestic and family violence. Interviews with 65 women who experienced such abuse were conducted, with a focus on 11 victims who were maliciously reported or threatened to be reported to child protective services. The victims faced significant negative consequences. The article suggests that better investigation processes, including considering both parties involved and identifying the perpetrator of domestic violence, can support victims and discourage this form of abuse.
Family Reunion Comment: This study teaches us that false reports of child maltreatment are used as a controlling tactic in domestic and family violence. These reports have serious impacts on victims. Improved investigations that consider both parties and identify the true perpetrator are necessary to support victims and discourage this behavior. Recognizing and addressing this tactic is crucial for supporting victims of domestic and family violence.
Title: Child Custody Outcomes in Cases Involving Parental Alienation and Abuse Allegations
Publication: GW Law
Authors: Joan S. Meier, Sean Dickson, Chris O’Sullivan, Leora Rosen, & Jeffrey Hayes
Link: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3448062
Summary: This study exposes troubling biases in custody courts regarding allegations of intimate partner violence. Mothers’ claims of abuse, particularly child abuse, are met with skepticism. The theory of parental alienation undermines these claims, favoring accused fathers. Gender differences are evident when fathers accuse mothers of abuse. Involvement of Guardians Ad Litem or custody evaluators intensifies skepticism towards mothers’ claims and increases the likelihood of custody removal. This research sheds light on the gender dynamics and outcomes in custody cases involving alienation, abuse, and disputes.
Family Reunion Comment: This study uncovers bias in custody courts regarding allegations of partner violence. Mothers reporting abuse face skepticism, while parental alienation theory favors accused fathers. Gender differences exist in accusations, and involvement of evaluators intensifies skepticism and custody loss risk. Addressing biases is vital for fair custody proceedings
Title: Psychological impact of being wrongfully accused of criminal offences: A systematic literature review
Publication: Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology
Authors: Samantha K Brooks and Neil Greenberg
Link: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0025802420949069
Summary: This systematic literature review examines the psychological impact of wrongful accusations of criminal offenses. It highlights the negative effects on mental health, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and the need for support for those who have been wrongfully accused.
Title: Myths about Sexual Assault Reports
Publication: Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Authors: Sarah E. Ullman and Lisa M. Najdowski
Summary: The study, published in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, examines the prevalence of myths and stereotypes about sexual assault reports among college students. The researchers found that many students hold beliefs that undermine the credibility and validity of sexual assault reports, which can lead to underreporting and inadequate campus responses. The study suggests that interventions should focus on addressing these myths and promoting a more accurate understanding of sexual assault reporting.
Title: False Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse and Paranoid Disorder: A Report of 2 Cases
Publication: Turkish Journal of Psychiatry
Authors: Ramazan KaranFİl, Ramazan Akçan, F. Özlem Orhan
Link: https://www.turkpsikiyatri.com/PDF/C22S1/en/7.pdf
Summary: Allegations of child sexual abuse have considerable consequences for individuals and society. Herein, we report 2 cases of false allegations of child sexual abuse by mothers diagnosed with a paranoid disorder. Based on psychiatric examinations, both mothers were diagnosed with paranoid disorder. Considering the possibility of false allegations in such cases, a psychiatric examination of the complainant should be performed in order to provide the accurate information necessary for legal proceedings and to protect the child.
Family Reunion Comment: Allegations of child sexual abuse have considerable consequences for not only the individual accused but also for society as a whole. The examination of a disorder, especially that of paranoid disorder, on the complaint, is important in order to provide the most accurate information for the proceedings. Protecting the child and ensuring every statement is accurate, even with the use of psychiatric examination.