What Not to Do During a Child Custody Battle
Our video explores some of the questions parents might have in the middle of a nasty breakup or divorce:
* How to get custody of a child
* Why do moms win custody battles more often?
* Tips for fathers: How to win child custody battles.
The emotional costs of divorce can do irreparable damage to children and long-lasting financial devastation to parents. Some parents feel their divorce lawyers’ were the only ones unscathed.
In this video, we also explain “What Shared Parenting is”, “Why it is important”, and how you can join the movement to educate the public, media, and lawmakers about its importance and how laws can address these issues and concerns.
“Shared parenting” or (joint physical custody) grants both parents equal rights, responsibilities, and parenting time – while benefiting children and families.
Family Reunion Is A Nonprofit Organization
Dedicated to creating public awareness on the importance of children having ongoing emotional,
physical, and financial support from both parents following a parent’s divorce or separation.
Divorce or Separation?
Many people marry expecting their life together to be full of bliss and their marriage to last forever. However, the pressure of something as small as unpaid bills can send a marriage down the road to separation or divorce. Blockades to leaving a marriage, such as financial worries, fear of change, or preserving the traditional idea of the family structure can keep marriages together temporarily. Yet, if the relationship doesn’t improve, the barriers are usually not enough to keep the marriage together in the long run.
Before legally separating or divorcing there is a lot to consider. This video addresses issues that can negatively affect children and families.
Child Support And Calculator
All dependent children thrive when they receive emotional, financial, and medical support from both of their parents. However, there is an imbalance in the current laws and policies that place more importance on financial support and child support enforcement than on emotional support — even though they are both equally important to the health and well-being of children. Our family laws and policies need to take parenting time interference as seriously as they take failure to pay child support and allow both parents to be a meaningful part of the lives of the children they are mandated to support.
We often hear about the negative effects of child-support agency blunders on women and children. And yet, we seldom hear of the negative consequences of agency blunders from the perspective of the 14 million non-custodial parents, who are mostly fathers. This video addresses the complexities child support payors face.

Your Financial Roadmap: Top Tips for Parents to Begin Planning for Their Family’s Future
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Returning to Education: A Guide for Stay-at-Home Parents
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Title IX Advocacy for Men and Boys: Your Help Is Needed
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Issues Affecting Divorced or Separated Parents