About Family Reunion

Family Reunion is a national, non-profit organization that is dedicated to creating public awareness on the importance of children having ongoing emotional, physical, and financial support from both parents following a parent’s divorce or separation. Through our educational programs and videos, media, social networking campaigns, and advocacy programs —we support shared parenting as being in the best interest of children and families. We address the issues often created by the current adversarial court system that often discounts one parent.
Family Reunion works with existing organizations, experts and individuals dedicated to making much-needed changes to the laws, policies, and family court system so that the children’s best interests can be supported.
Change is needed, and the time is now. It’s time for Family Reunion!
It’s time to empower children whose parents have divorced, separated, or were never married. Divorce is challenging, but losing contact with one parent can be even more distressing for a child. Children thrive best with the active involvement of both parents. We need to advocate for their best interests by promoting shared parenting, which ensures that both parents have equal rights, responsibilities, and time with their children. This approach supports the well-being and development of children by keeping both parents actively engaged in their lives.