Family Reunion

Who claims kids? Tax considerations for divorcing parents

By Andrew Zashin, 01/19/2023 “…Among the many issues that divorcing couples with children must face is one often worth thousands of dollars: who will claim the kids on their tax returns?…” Read the entire article:  

Who claims kids? Tax considerations for divorcing parents Read More »

Could Georgia mandate 50/50 custody? What you should know about the bill that could make it possible

By 13WMAZ, 01/19/2023 “…When Georgia couples with children divorce, current law presumes that the mother should keep custody, unless the judge finds reason to rule against her. House Bill 96 could scrap that and mandate 50/50 custody if a judge decides it’s in the best interest of the child…” Read the entire article:  

Could Georgia mandate 50/50 custody? What you should know about the bill that could make it possible Read More »

‘Punished’ dad legally changes gender to female in bid to gain custody of kids

By New York Post, 01/06/2023 “…The desperate dad claimed he made the drastic decision due to the justice system in his country which he said typically benefits mothers in custody cases…” Read the entire article:  

‘Punished’ dad legally changes gender to female in bid to gain custody of kids Read More »

Divorce With Kids: Everything You Need To Know

By Forbes, 12/15/2022 “…Ending your marriage usually creates financial, emotional and legal challenges. That is especially true when children are involved. During a divorce with kids, you need to navigate issues related to custody and child support while making sure to always act in your children’s best interests…” Read the entire article:

Divorce With Kids: Everything You Need To Know Read More »

Joint Custody Issues: How Can Apps Help Separated Parents?

By Health News, 12/22/2022 “…Co-parenting from two separate homes can present a variety of challenges for parents. These challenges range from custody arrangements and coordinating everyone’s schedules to tracking time, and expenses, and sharing important information — all while avoiding conflict for the sake of the children…” Read the entire article:

Joint Custody Issues: How Can Apps Help Separated Parents? Read More »

The relationship between parenting engagement and academic performance

By Nature, 12/24/2022 “…One frequent explanation of these differences is disproportionate child-related responsibilities for women. However, changing social dynamics around parenting has led to fathers taking an increasingly active role in parenting…” Read the entire article:

The relationship between parenting engagement and academic performance Read More »

4 Key Ways That Estrangement Hurts Grandparents

By Psychology Today, 09/30/2022 “…Parental alienation is when one parent manipulates a child in order to poison their relationship with the other parent. The resulting alienation between the child and the “target parent,” however, often leads to estrangement from grandparents on the alientated side as well…” Read the entire article:  

4 Key Ways That Estrangement Hurts Grandparents Read More »

Creating Healthy Co-Parenting Strategies Through Divorce Mediation

By, 10/19/2022 “…Litigating divorce and custody issues leaves coparenting strategies and custody issues up to a judge. Mediation is one of the best ways to help divorcing spouses come to a mutually agreeable, legally enforceable solution…” Read the entire article:

Creating Healthy Co-Parenting Strategies Through Divorce Mediation Read More »

Helping kids thrive after their parents divorce

By The Tech Edvocate, 10/15/2022 “…It’s important that you develop an initial custody agreement together even before talking to your children. For instance, the children will spend weekends with you and weekdays with your co-parent. When explaining the divorce to your children, let them clearly know the arrangement. You may put up a calendar to

Helping kids thrive after their parents divorce Read More »