Family Reunion

Republicans launch bill that would require fathers to pay child support to unborn babies: Senator says legislation would make it possible for mother to get back pay from as early as conception

By Daily Mail, 07/18/2022 “…Under the bill, mothers would be able to request child support from the moment of conception and would even be able to collect the payments retroactively if paternity was not established until birth…” Read the entire article:

Republicans launch bill that would require fathers to pay child support to unborn babies: Senator says legislation would make it possible for mother to get back pay from as early as conception Read More »

Divorces, child custody disputes waiting years for hearings in New Jersey

By NJ 1015, 08/14/2022 “…Now, as families wait to get in front of a judge — Swenson’s office has heard that some hearings may not be possible until the end of 2023 — they’re left in limbo, in a less-than-ideal home situation. “You have couples who have decided to end their marriage, who are forced

Divorces, child custody disputes waiting years for hearings in New Jersey Read More »

Parental Alienation as a Form of Domestic Abuse

By Psychology Today, 08/06/2022 “…We often think of parental alienation as a post-relationship phenomenon. In fact, it’s something that happens within the context of ongoing relationships every bit as much as it happens after a relationship ends. In either case, it is a manufactured manipulation that hurts everyone—except, of course, the alienator—from the abused partner

Parental Alienation as a Form of Domestic Abuse Read More »

Using Procedural Justice to Reform Driver’s License Suspension in Minnesota

By ACF, 08/01/2022 “… Suspension is a required enforcement tool for collecting past-due child support, but current laws, policies, and practices are not effective for many noncustodial parents. In fact, it may do more harm than good…” Read the entire article:  

Using Procedural Justice to Reform Driver’s License Suspension in Minnesota Read More »

How can a divorced parent move with children?

By Positively Osceola, 07/14/2022 “…If the parents cannot agree on the relocation issue, they will have to ask the court to become involved. As with the other decisions concerning children, the court will evaluate whether the proposed change is in the best interest of the child…” Read the entire article:

How can a divorced parent move with children? Read More »

Parental alienation: the ‘psychological manipulation’ of children

By RTE, 07/14/2022 “…Parental alienation is a repetitive routine of manipulative behaviour, not one offs. It’s crucial to highlight the difference between parental alienation and estrangement. Again, parental alienation is an unjustified rejection of a parent; whereas, estrangement is a justified rejection due to a parent’s deficient parenting style, neglect, or abuse…” Read the entire

Parental alienation: the ‘psychological manipulation’ of children Read More »

Shared Parenting Scotland endorses judge’s view that court is not for solving ‘relationship disputes’

By Scottish Legal, 07/25/2022 “…Sir Andrew McFarlane, President of the Family Division, issued a blunt reminder to parents that courts are not the best place to resolve such problems, which are at the root of many disagreements about how to share parenting of children after divorce or separation…” Read the entire article:

Shared Parenting Scotland endorses judge’s view that court is not for solving ‘relationship disputes’ Read More »

ASU study: Online parenting program shields children from adverse effects of divorce

By ASU News, 07/18/2022 “…A new study from the Arizona State University Department of Psychology has shown that an online parenting skills program for divorcing or separating parents reduces interparental conflict, improves quality of parenting and decreases children’s anxiety and depression symptoms…” Read the entire article:  

ASU study: Online parenting program shields children from adverse effects of divorce Read More »

Online program for divorcing or separating parents prevents interparental conflict and benefits children

By News Medical, 07/15/2022 “…Close to half of all marriages in the US end in divorce, affecting over 1 million children each year. These children are at an increased risk of struggling in school, experiencing mental health or substance use problems and engaging in risky sexual behavior…” Read the entire article:

Online program for divorcing or separating parents prevents interparental conflict and benefits children Read More »