Advisory Board

Christopher Taylor is a licensed marriage and family therapist. He has over 15 years experiencing working with some of the most challenging teens. He’s the author and creator of the Back to Basic: Tayloring Your Teen For Success program. He has appeared on television and nationally syndicated radio shows sharing his perspective on the needs of the modern teen. In addition to media appearances, he has spoken to audiences both large and small on how to eliminate behaviors in teens, get them to take responsibility and get them to engage in open and meaningful conversations with their parents. He has created and directed multiple programs over his career to change the system and get kids out of residential treatment and back in their family home.

- embrace the way men and women are naturally wired
- prioritize marriage and relationships over career
- express their unique value outside the marketplace
- enjoy the power of their femininity in sex and relationships
- build a lasting, satisfying relationship with a man
- build a flexible career that accommodates the needs of children and family life
Suzanne is currently a Fox News contributor and a columnist at the Washington Examiner. Her article, “The War on Men,” is one of Fox News’ most read op-ed in history. Suzanne’s work has appeared in publications such as Time, USA Today, Parents and the New York Post and has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, The Atlantic, Forbes, The Huffington Post and London’s Daily Mail. Her TV credits include Fox & Friends, STOSSEL, The View, CNN, ABC and more. She has appeared on hundreds of radio shows throughout the country, and her work has been featured on “The Dr. Laura Program,” “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” and “The Rush Limbaugh Show.”
A former English teacher, Suzanne was born in St. Louis, MO, and graduated from Boston University in 1990. After ten years on the East Coast, where she made the unfortunate decision to marry the wrong man and subsequently learned what not to do in love, Suzanne returned to the Midwest, where she now lives with her husband of 20 years and their two teenagers.

Dr. Farrell has been chosen by the Financial Times as one of the world’s top 100 thought leaders. His books are published in over 50 countries, and in 20 languages. They include two award-winning international best-sellers, Why Men Are the Way They Are plus The Myth of Male Power.
Warren was a pioneer in the women’s movement as the only man elected three times to the Board of the National Organization for Women in NYC. He is currently Chair of the Coalition to Create a White House Council on Boys and Men, and a pioneer in the men’s movement.
Dr. Farrell’s books contribute to 12 disciplines. A book on couples’ communication, Women Can’t Hear What Men Don’t Say, was a selection of the Book-of-the Month Club. His Father and Child Reunion has inspired many dads to be more involved with their children. And Why Men Earn More: The Startling Truth Behind the Pay Gap–and What Women Can Do About It was chosen by U.S. News and World Report as one of the top four books on careers.
Warren has taught at the university level in five disciplines, and appeared on more than 1,000 TV and radio shows, and been interviewed by Oprah, Barbara Walters, Peter Jennings, Katie Couric, Larry King, and Charlie Rose. He has been featured repeatedly in The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. He has two daughters, and lives with his wife in Mill Valley, California, and virtually at

Rachel Alexander is a member of Leading Women for Shared Parenting and an advocate for Shared Parenting. She is the editor of Intellectual Conservative. She is a senior editor at The Stream, and a regular contributor to Townhall, and Selous Foundation for Public Policy Research.
She frequently appears on TV and news radio as a conservative commentator, and hosted a radio show on 960 KKNT in Phoenix and then on UStream. She is an attorney and previously served as an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Arizona, corporate attorney for Go Daddy Software, and Special Assistant/Deputy County Attorney for the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office. As co-president of the UW Political Science Honor Society, she obtained degrees in Political Science and History from the University of Washington, followed by a law degree from Boston College and the University of Arizona.

Dr. Sue Cornbluth is a certified parenting expert and coach with international recognition, specializing in high conflict situations. She is a regular contributor as a mental health expert for network television stations including NBC, Fox and CBS. She has contributed to several national publications and has written a best- selling book, “Building Self Esteem in Children and Teens Who Are Adopted or Fostered”. Dr. Sue currently hosts a weekly radio broadcast, The Dr. Sue Show. The Dr. Sue Show focuses on parenting topics. It was recently honored as one of the Top 100 podcasts in the world by the Huffington Post. Tune in to Stream City Radio to listen.
In 2013 Dr. Sue established Parenting Beyond Trauma, LLC, a consulting firm working with parents to help them successfully move through their high conflict divorce situation. Her passion and goal is to help children succeed in life. She accomplishes this through her work educating and guiding parents and professionals. Dr. Sue has served as a child abuse and victims’ rights expert. The exposure she gained as a lead expert during the Jerry Sandusky trial directly contributed to the growing demand for her expert opinion. She has gained global recognition and is contracted for speaking engagements around the world. The Women’s Distinctive Business Magazine recognized Dr. Sue as One of the Country’s Most Distinctive Women. Dr. Sue resides in the suburbs outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with her husband and two children. She holds a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology and has worked as a Psychology Professor at Temple University.
For more information, or to contact Dr. Sue directly, visit her website or contact her agent, David Brunner at (484) 695-5187.

Murray is the President and Co-Founder of the National Family Justice Assocation and was recently appointed by the Board of Directors as executive director of the Great Dads™ project initiative in Michigan, Mr. Davis is also the founder and former executive director of Dads of Michigan, a volunteer, nonprofit, responsible parenthood education organization.
Both Michigan’s previous governor and its current chief justice of their Supreme Court have honored Murray with appointments to the Michigan Friend of the Court Bureau Advisory Committee and the Michigan Child Support Leadership Council.
He is a frequent radio, television talk show guest and special report/op-ed contributor to the state newspapers. and has previously served on the Board of Directors of the Coalition for Family Preservation (CFP) and the American Coalition for Fathers and Children (ACFC). Mr. Davis is a former IBM and Ameritech marketing executive and a local technology businesses employer. He is also a victim of marital paternity fraud.

Molly K. Olson is the President of Leading Women For Shared Parenting. LW4SP is an International organization headquartered in Washington DC which advocates in support of equal shared parenting for fit parents as a presumption in custody cases across the United States and internationally.
She founded the Center for Parental Responsibility in 2000, in suburban St. Paul, MN. Since then, Molly has been leading efforts to enact shared parenting in Minnesota. Well known throughout the Minnesota Capitol for her tireless efforts on behalf of children, Molly led the 2012 effort around HF322. With her leadership and teamwork, the MN House passed the most comprehensive joint custody/equal shared parenting bill anywhere in the nation at that time. This equal shared parenting bill recognized exceptions to satisfy opponents, and passed with a 60% majority. A modified bill was finally passed by the MN Senate. This watered-down compromise version increased the baseline to 35% time sharing for children with each parent in the event of divorce. This final version passed with overwhelming bi-partisan margins in both the House (67%) and Senate (71%). Unfortunately, Minnesota’s Governor, Mark Dayton, vetoed this very popular legislation after the end of session, preventing a legislative override.
The Governor appealed to all sides to reach a collaborative solution to the shared parenting debate which had cycled through the legislature for over a decade. This lead to a 3 year task force called the Minnesota Child Custody Dialogue Group which Molly established with a sitting judge to draw in opponents to shared parenting. The task force included stakeholders from both sides of the issue. The result was another statutory change of the Minnesota Best Interest Criteria in 2015. Minnesota law and policy now recognizes, and stakeholders from both sides in the Dialogue group unanimously agreed, that unless there is something substantial (like: abuse, harm, neglect, abandonment, criminal issues, untreated mental health, untreated substance abuse, domestic violence, or special/logistical circumstances like child’s health issues, school/work/daycare schedules, and geographic distance) the majority of children will benefit when they maximize time with each fit healthy parent to the highest degree possible that each parent is ready, willing, and able to accept. In addition to national advocacy, Molly is participating in further changes to the MN Parenting Time Guideline that will reflect this policy, which is consistent with current research and societal change.

Dr. Reynolds is the Program Director and Assistant Professor in the Department of Marriage and Family Therapy at Iona College. She also works as a family therapist in private practice in Connecticut. She has been a therapist, supervisor, and clinical director for a number of mental health agencies over the last twenty-plus years. Dr. Reynolds has participated in critical incident debriefing for many crisis situations over the years, including school murders, allegations of sexual misconduct in schools and, most recently, offered consultations, and grief and safety workshops for schools surrounding the Newtown, Connecticut area. Additionally, she served for several years as the co-chair of the Parent Education and Focus on Kids Programs, and is the professional “expert” seen in the divorce parenting training video that is shown in mandatory classes in many states. She has been a consultant and guest on many TV and radio shows. Dr. Reynolds is also the author of countless professional journal and mainstream magazine articles, and is the author of several books. Her most recent publication, Parenting Through Divorce: Helping Your Children Thrive During and After the Split, has been translated into three languages.
A brief description about “Parenting Through Divorce: Helping Your Children Thrive During and After the Split” has been translated into three languages.
Divorce has devastating effects on children. Yet for divorcing parents who carefully consider and manage the intricacies associated with this difficult time, both parents, as seen from the child’s perspective, can remain as loving and supportive as they ever were.
Parenting Through Divorce concisely lays out the specific emotions and reactions parents need to anticipate from their children while going through separation, divorce, and its after-math. Rather than weighing parents down with complicated plans, confusing information, and legal terminology, this book takes a common-sense approach, providing readers in a state of emotional distress with the practical, down-to-earth advice they need to sensibly and comfortingly guide their children through this often painful process. Covering the most common mistakes divorcing parents tend to make, as well as addressing special issues that come up for kids of different age groups, this book helps you retain a strong, healthy, and loving environment for your child, even in the midst of change. This is a much-needed repository of wisdom and practical counsel for any family going through a time of heightened feelings and fragile relationships.

David W. Smith Sr. is an active father and parent plus an advocate and community leader.
Mr. Smith works within the Prince George’s County Government (Office of the County Executive, Office of Community Relations) plus advocates on behalf of the Prince George’s County Public School System. Besides working with children, Mr. Smith works with parents to support parental involvement and engagement plus works with the fatherhood leadership team to support fathers and male involvement and engagement as well.
Mr. Smith is also the Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Children’s Rights Fund ( which he advocates for children’s rights, parental rights, shared parenting & co-parenting and healthy family relationship. Mr. Smith assist and works with children and families who are going through divorce and separation to help children and parents maintain an ongoing relationship with each other after divorce and separation.
Mr. Smith also works tirelessly in the Maryland Legislature and around the State of Maryland to help bring about reform that’s supportive to children and families.
Mr. Smith is also the Vice President of the 100 Fathers, Inc. ( which he advocates and educates on the importance of fatherhood and male involvement in the home, schools, community, etc.
Mr. Smith is all about civil and social justice, equality and change. Mr. Smith is about bettering the lives of children and families plus strengthening the community. Mr. Smith is known as “The Warrior Advocate”.

Mayor Jill Egizii of Leland Grove IL, is the President and founder of the Parental Alienation Awareness Organization USA. She has hosted a radio titled Family Matters with her co-host Judge Michele Lowrance on of which she is a co-owner. She also hosted a television show of the same name. She has appeared on Dr. Phil and The View discussing parental alienation. Jill sits on the board of The Weitzman Center in Chicago, The Divorce Expo and The International Support Network for Alienated Families, Leading Women for Shared Parenting and Women for She is a founder of the group Leading Women for Shared Parenting. Jill was on the United Cerebral Palsy Board and Executive Committee for 28 years and is a strong voice for children and adults with disabilities. She is the author of the novel “The Look of Love” which deals with parental alienation and divorce. Jill also co-authored the workbook Parental Alienation 911 with Judge Michele Lowrance. She served on the Illinois Family Law Study Committee which was created to revise Illinois divorce laws. She is qualified in Illinois to testify as an expert in parental alienation. Most recently she founded WILD Canine Rescue in central Illinois and is dedicated to rescuing abused and abandoned dogs. Jill is an alienated mother of 4 children and continues to create awareness for parental alienation nationally and internationally.

Edward Kruk, MSW, PhD, is Associate Professor of Social Work at the University of British Columbia, specializing in child and family policy, who also practices family mediation in Vancouver, B.C. His recent research projects have focused on parenting after divorce, family mediation, and parental alienation. He has over 40 years of clinical and community work experience as a professional social worker. He received his BA and MSW degrees from the University of Toronto, and his doctorate from the University of Edinburgh, where he studied as a National Welfare Fellow. His professional experience also includes a faculty appointment with the University of Calgary Faculty of Social Work, family practice with Catholic Family Services in Calgary, medical social work practice with the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh, school social work practice with the Metro Separate School Board in Toronto, and child protection work with the Metro and Catholic Children’s Aid Societies in Toronto. He is author of “Divorce and Disengagement: Patterns of Fatherhood Within and Beyond Marriage” (Fernwood, 1993), “Mediation and Conflict Resolution in Social Work and the Human Services” (Nelson-Hall, 1997), “Divorced Fathers: Children’s Needs and Parental Responsibilities” (Fernwood, 2011), and “The Equal Parent Presumption” (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2013), and has published widely in a variety of academic and professional journals. Edward is the father of two boys, Stephan and Liam.

Tom Golden is well known for his first book Swallowed by a Snake: The Gift of the Masculine Side of Healing which opened the conversation about men, grief, and emotions. It was acclaimed by Kubler-Ross, Hope Edelman, Robert Bly and others. Tom has also written The Way Men Heal and recently a book for moms Helping Mothers be Closer to Their Sons: Understanding the Unique World of Boys. He enjoys giving workshops in the U.S., Canada, Europe and Australia. Tom focuses on helping to bring understanding to both mental health professionals and the public about the uniqueness of men and boys and how these unrecognized differences can sometimes create hardships for males. His work and his web site have been featured in the NY Times, Washington Post, as well as on CNN, CBS Evening News, ESPN and the NFL Channel. He served as the Vice Chair of the Maryland Commission for Men’s Health and maintains a private practice in Gaithersburg Md. Find his men’s issues work at

Robert Franklin has been an advocate for family court reform since 1998. He has served on the Board of Directors of the National Parents Organization since 2008. Since 2008, he has written the blog for NPO consisting of over 3,000 articles. He has also written numerous op-eds that have appeared in publications like The National Review, The Hill, the Dallas Morning News and many others. He has appeared on countless radio talk programs, spoken at conferences, given webinars and the like. Although now retired from the practice of law, Robert has been licensed to practice in Texas since 1980.

Anne P. Mitchell is a nationally recognized fathers’ rights attorney and spokesperson. One of the first fathers’ rights lawyers in the United States, and with more than 30 years experience in fathers’ and children’s rights, Anne has been invited to speak and consult about fathers’ rights issues with judges, state legislators, social workers, and family court workers. Her website is one of the top fathers’ rights sites on the Internet, and more than 12,000 fathers have benefitted from the material and advice in her book, “They’re Your Kids Too: The Single Father’s Guide to Defending Your Fatherhood in a Broken Family Law System”. Mitchell, a graduate of Stanford Law School, was involved in fathers’ rights even before going to law school, and upon being admitted to the bar opened a private fathers’ rights law practice in which she represented fathers only, advocating for their relationship with their children. At the same time, she became an oft-invited guest on the speaking and lecture circuit, including being asked by California Governor Pete Wilson to speak at his “Focus on Father’s” Summit, and being invited to speak on fathers’ rights at the “Beyond the Bench” judicial education conference. She is also a retired professor of family law and taught family law at Lincoln Law School in San Jose for several years. No longer in private practice, Mitchell maintains both the website and the Fathers’ Rights Facebook group, where the public can find information and resources regarding fathers and family law.

Dr. Roseman is an expert in high conflict and child custody. He has worked in the co-parenting field since 1999 when he served as Assistant Director for Child Access Services with the Children’s Rights Council in Washington, DC. He worked closely with David Levy, founder of the CRC to help bring joint custody to nearly 30 states.
Today, Dr. Roseman is the CEO of the Toby Center for Family Transitions which he founded in 2010. Based in Delray Beach, the Toby Center has emerged a major provider of supervised visitation services and reunification therapy in South and Central Florida.
He is a former columnist with Knight Ridder Tribune Syndicate and a current contributor to the Huffington Post Online. Roseman, a father of three, earned his doctorate in Family Studies from the Union Institute & University with a specialty in shared parenting issues accompanying parental separation and divorce. He enjoys using humor in his public speaking and client consultations. He believes if it takes less energy to laugh, and it helps, then, “why not!” It couldn’t hurt!