Support, Advocacy Education, Resources
Family Reunion is a national non-profit educational organization committed to raising awareness about the challenges of divorce or separation—especially when children are involved. The complexities of family dynamics during and after separation can be overwhelming, as families encounter emotional, legal, and logistical hurdles. Changes in living arrangements, parenting schedules, and financial responsibilities often create tension, and the emotional impact is felt by all. Destructive behaviors frequently arise during this challenging period, and current laws, policies, and the adversarial court system can further complicate matters, making it difficult to foster a balanced and supportive environment.
Family Reunion helps families navigate the complexities of family dynamics before, during, and after separation and has national leading experts that educate the public, media, and lawmakers on the importance of “shared parenting,” which grants both parents equal rights, responsibilities, and parenting time – while benefiting children.
As seen on:

Your Financial Roadmap: Top Tips for Parents to Begin Planning for Their Family’s Future
By Daniel Sherwin, Navigating the financial landscape as a parent often means balancing immediate needs with long-term aspirations. Understanding and managing your money not only secures your family’s future but also teaches valuable lessons about financial responsibility to your children. The journey to financial stability begins with strategic planning and a keen understanding of

Returning to Education: A Guide for Stay-at-Home Parents
Image by freepik By Daniel Sherwin, Returning to school as a stay-at-home parent is a significant step that can open doors to new opportunities and personal growth. It requires careful planning and consideration of various factors to ensure a smooth transition. This journey involves choosing the right field of study, managing family responsibilities, and

Title IX Advocacy for Men and Boys: Your Help Is Needed
By Mark Sutton Dear Title IX Allies, We are writing because we are concerned about the 2024 Title IX regulations which are scheduled to be published early this year. We are specifically troubled about the proposals that will strip due process rights and impede the ability to file official complaints to the Office of Civil

Rep. Tedford’s bills on healthcare and joint custody pass committee votes in Oklahoma
By Fox 24, 02/24/25 “…”This bill is about fairness and ensuring that children have the chance to maintain meaningful relationships with both parents,” said Tedford. “By promoting cooperation, it allows the courts to make decisions based on the best interest of the child. …” Read the entire article:
New bill seeks changes to how child custody is determined in Oklahoma
By Fox23, 03/10/25 “…”This bill helps the judge’s be like ‘Hey as a norm, we’re just gonna start with equal shared parenting,’ unless they’re shown abuse proven on either side. Because we have to decide as a society, abuse has to be wrong no matter who does it,” Dennis said. …” Read the entire article:
Making up for ‘lost time’: father proposes parental rights legislation
By Fairfax Times, 02/07/25 “…Since early 2024, a Fairfax County father has been trying to change Virginia legislation regarding parental rights. James Sisco proposes the “Lost Time and Three Strikes” legislation, citing overreach and systemic failures. If passed, it would seek to help families and children who have been victims of parental alienation. …” Read
Shared Parenting Scotland publishes plain English court guide
By Scottish English News, 03/13/25 “…One of the most common complaints made by callers to the helpline, and attendees at group meetings over the years, is that the language of family law procedures and even correspondence with their own solicitor is hard to follow. …” Read the entire article:
Growing compassion for men & boys
By Global Compassion, 03/12/25 “…You are invited to a thoughtful, powerful, and important conversation on the transformative power of compassion and self-compassion for boys and men. …” Watch the video:
Man ‘devastated’ by results of son’s secret DNA test – but wife’s reaction is even worse
By Newsbreak, 02/04/25 “…He said: “I didn’t ask [my wife] for a paternity test because I knew she’d flip out, so I did it in secret. When the results came back, my worst fear was confirmed: he wasn’t mine. I was shattered. …” Read the entire article:

Check Out Our Educational Videos!
Our video series includes: Divorce and Separation, Access/Parenting Time Denial, Parental Alienation, and A Move Away Parent.
Our series also includes: Paternity Fraud, Fatherlessness, and False Accusations.

Men's E-News Is A Project for Family Reunion! provides up-to-date news and information to support men/fathers and the women who care about them.
Men’s E-News works to address the problems that impair their well-being.

Women Against
Paternity Fraud (WAPF) (WAPF) is a 501(c)(3) national non-profit organization.
Women Against Paternity Fraud educates the public, media, and policy makers on issues relating to paternity fraud.
Issues Affecting Divorced or Separated Parents